Aug 1, 2021

July Weather Summary for Glens Falls

The month of July can be summed up simply as being VERY wet and cool. The monthly normal rainfall for Glens Falls is 4.26". The top 3 wettest July's on record are: #1 is 8.31" (1994), #2 8.25" (1996) and 7.94" (1915). The Warren County airport recorded 8.05", making July 2021 the third wettest on record. At my location (3.5 miles SW of the airport) I measured 8.31". In addition to the monthly rainfall being approximately twice the normal, rain was observed on all but 5 days! The month started off with 14 consecutive days of rain being observed; with 12 of the first 14 days having measureable rain.
The average monthly temperature was 67.7° at the airport which was 2.0° BELOW normal; at my location it was 69.1° or 0.6° BELOW normal. In addition to the cooler temperatures the month did not record a temperature of 90°. The last time that a July went without a 90° was 2017. Below is a more detailed breakdown of July 2021's weather in Glens Falls.
Addition to the above: From the NWS Albany The numbers are in! July ended up being the 3rd wettest for Albany (8.96") and Glens Falls (8.06"), and 13th wettest for Poughkeepsie (6.06"). In fact, the 8.96" that fell in Albany was the 10th wettest month of all time! The 8.06" for Glens Falls was also the 10th wettest month on record.

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